
South Kent News

Monday, March 3, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Kent County rise or fall in 2021?

Webp farmtractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Kent County received $17.8 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 292 farmers in cities within Kent County received a total of $6.7 million in 523 farm subsidies, a 72.6% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $24.5 million in 1,074 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Kent County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Black Soil Dairy, LLC$633,824$470,132-25.8%
Alt's Dairy Farm, LLC$252,510$343,50436%
Dakota Plains Dairy, LLC$631,240$340,028-46.1%
Meadow Rock Dairy, LLC$710,817$288,991-59.3%
Willow Point Dairy, LLC$0$239,318--
Prairies Edge Dairy Farms, LLC$470,467$214,816-54.3%
Red Arrow Dairy, LLC$116,685$213,07382.6%
Steven C. Roth$296,113$171,257-42.2%
Duane Rasch Orchards, LLC$195,053$162,108-16.9%
Midwest Holstein Feeders, LLC$0$144,532--
Indian Trail Farm, LLC$973,148$143,491-85.3%
Stuart Farms, Inc.$372,441$141,635-62%
Schoenborn Dairy, LLC$375,195$137,567-63.3%
Lynn J. Huff$291,665$135,237-53.6%
Edge Wood Dairy, LLC$725,191$133,549-81.6%
Tumbleweed Dairy, LLC$115,757$128,78411.3%
Applegate Dairy, LLC$275,920$127,173-53.9%
Central Sands Dairy, LLC$711,807$127,173-82.1%
Golden Grain Farms, LLC$483,261$122,553-74.6%
Porter Grain Farms, LLC$316,886$117,526-62.9%
Summit Farms, Inc.$22,331$109,902392.1%
Flat Land Dairy, LLC$975,079$106,933-89%
Sunnyridge Acres, LLC$53,647$103,11592.2%
Swift Farms, LLC$150,672$94,874-37%
BLU SKY Farms$347,659$84,612-75.7%
Kruithoff Farm & Grain, LLC$160,081$82,021-48.8%
Dale Momber Orchard, LLC$66,783$76,47214.5%
Solstice Farms, LLC$157,778$74,081-53%
Byma Farms, LLC$107,542$62,783-41.6%
K-Hillcrest Farms, LLC$488,560$61,367-87.4%
Twin Bee Orchard, LLC$129,976$61,206-52.9%
Sandra Klinesteker-Sandra S. Klinesteker Trust$7,795$59,191659.3%
Rod-Er-Dic Farm$74,211$55,427-25.3%
Timothy Baker$98,840$54,983-44.4%
Liberty Farms, LLC$187,573$52,082-72.2%
Tri-State Calf Products Incorporated$95,346$50,233-47.3%
Frank N. Gilbert$36,928$48,35530.9%
Brink Brothers, LLC$69,885$47,165-32.5%
County Line Seif Farms, LLC$115,069$39,535-65.6%
Calvin Klooster$135,363$38,160-71.8%
H I H, Inc.$0$36,196--
Marvin Vanderark - Marvin Vanderark L. L. Tr$13,768$35,589158.5%
Robert Pepper$24,919$35,01640.5%
Donald Lee Zandbergen$106,847$33,457-68.7%
Luke Owens$0$32,236--
Alan K. Haarsma$0$31,931--
Heinbeck Farms, LLC$28,518$31,2919.7%
Vanderark Farms, Inc.$133,347$31,156-76.6%
Lawrence Joseph Lenhart$39,032$30,429-22%
Jeffrey D. Kapteyn$0$29,600--
David E Dunaven$32,045$23,875-25.5%
ALT Brothers, Inc.$391,850$23,016-94.1%
J B Farms, LLC$48,822$22,780-53.3%
Bryan James Porter$41,551$22,712-45.3%
Rolling Meadow Farms, LLC$70,877$22,383-68.4%
Vern Verduin & Sons, LLC$68,224$22,052-67.7%
Franklin S. Bowman$481$22,0174,477.3%
James M. Deyoung$21,740$21,7400%
Stevan B. Warren$55,236$21,457-61.2%
Chase Orchards, Inc.$238,668$21,181-91.1%
Lone Oak Farm$46,338$20,975-54.7%
Chadwick Gordon$20,403$20,4030%
Duane Anderson$52,823$20,391-61.4%
Daniel C. Osborn$49,925$19,419-61.1%
Terry Metzger$51,739$18,782-63.7%
G&G Peters Farms, LLC$41,370$17,924-56.7%
Todd Brink$41,936$17,441-58.4%
Wayne Ernest Rodgers$32,328$14,710-54.5%
Dunneback Fruit Farm, L.L.C.$0$14,484--
Pollock Land, LLC$46,256$13,890-70%
Joseph C. Piccard$61,030$13,765-77.4%
Arnold L. Ruter$14,511$13,597-6.3%
William M. Klunder$4,729$13,010175.1%
John Wm Seif$10,147$12,95827.7%
SDS Farms, LLC$18,096$12,761-29.5%
Robert Roth$35,490$11,979-66.2%
Elmer May & Sons$26,201$11,913-54.5%
Ronald Porter$43,957$11,649-73.5%
Twin Pines Farm$28,164$11,629-58.7%
Powell Farms$34,726$11,529-66.8%
MBM Farms, LLC$11,336$11,3360%
Karl Den Dulk$14,623$11,011-24.7%
John & Stacey ALT Farms$262,776$10,863-95.9%
Roger Odell$4,318$10,626146.1%
Hershey Ventures Inc., Ltd.$44,409$9,976-77.5%
T & C Grains, LLC$68,322$9,945-85.4%
Jennings Farm, LLC$28,981$9,939-65.7%
Matthew C. Wolf$19,077$9,506-50.2%
Andrew K. Hagenow$25,316$9,233-63.5%
Samuel Leo-Van Rittersdorf$8,998$9,1141.3%
Ryan Loew$17,274$9,066-47.5%
William Richard Sevey$20,479$8,770-57.2%
Mark Rasch$1,302$8,753572.3%
Linda Swanson$8,248$8,2960.6%
John Triick$44,078$8,268-81.2%
Bernadette Pniewski$8,050$8,1501.2%
Highpoint Cattle Company, L.L.C.$31,472$7,820-75.2%
Sharon K Stein Revocable Trust$7,666$7,6660%
Jack Morren$5,565$7,54635.6%
Brian Nickels$21,806$7,537-65.4%
Fisk Trucking Company, LLC$16,185$7,122-56%
Amy Hineline$0$6,758--
Samuel J Lacina - Samuel J and Particia a Lacina Trust$11,125$6,733-39.5%
Justin William Kolarik$0$6,365--
Lobbezoo Farm, LLC$8,463$6,321-25.3%
Peter W. Paulsen$5,881$5,8810%
Rasch Grain Farm, LLC$7,311$5,682-22.3%
Fultz Family Farms, LLC$15,882$5,651-64.4%
Baehre Orchards, LLC$44,817$5,517-87.7%
Vogel Real Estate Holdings, LLC$25,269$5,515-78.2%
Warren Welton$14,501$5,454-62.4%
Dakota Mark Carlson$4,351$5,43324.9%
Peggy Seaman$5,268$5,2680%
Michael G. Clover$11,261$5,148-54.3%
Nathaniel Hansen$13,269$4,926-62.9%
Bradley M. Pitsch$5,702$4,873-14.5%
Mary Jo Louters$0$4,843--
Ryan William Ward$10,959$4,801-56.2%
Robert C. Cordes$13,777$4,797-65.2%
The Boyden Family Farm Trust$4,782$4,7820%
Fred Loew$16,988$4,749-72%
Susan C. Sloan$4,740$4,7400%
Mark Reichelt$11,545$4,624-59.9%
Robert Joseph Johnson$36,242$4,574-87.4%
Jacob Samuel Gebhardt$12,994$4,493-65.4%
Susan Rex$1,264$4,450252.1%
Youngquist Family Farm, LLC$251,822$4,419-98.2%
Post Farms, LLC$10,058$4,369-56.6%
Timothy J. Wittenbach$7,530$4,231-43.8%
Thomas E. Carlson$7,401$4,044-45.4%
Anna J Beebe Estate$3,990$3,9900%
Kevin Haley$3,968$3,9680%
Stanley P. Roberts$3,874$3,9612.2%
Mcdougal Farm, LLC$3,694$3,6940%
Rudolph Rios and Marietta Rios Rvoc Living Trustee$0$3,648--
Sun Up Farms, LLC$7,999$3,609-54.9%
Carol A. Zandbergen$0$3,573--
Hebeler Farms, LLC$3,569$3,5690%
Zeitler Farm, LLC$3,567$3,5670%
Richard Meyer$7,357$3,490-52.6%
Scott D Van Houten$6,917$3,481-49.7%
Jerry Rabenberg$0$3,457--
Gary Robert Martin$6,439$3,427-46.8%
Roger A. Wright$8,962$3,368-62.4%
Jared Johnson$12,656$3,294-74%
Ronald W Garrett Revocable Trust$12,678$3,227-74.5%
LA Vonne Kuiper$2,269$3,22041.9%
Thomas A. Hillmann$3,213$3,2130%
Black Creek Dairy, LLC$28,968$3,161-89.1%
Thomas Smith$8,455$3,156-62.7%
Gary J. Smith$5,117$3,088-39.7%
Steve Koning$3,919$3,064-21.8%
Randall Maschke$12,570$3,013-76%
William J. Schreur$3,298$3,013-8.6%
Mark E. Richmond$7,727$3,002-61.1%
Mark G. Anderson$8,406$2,967-64.7%
John D. Tallman$6,160$2,964-51.9%
Russel M Olivier Revocable Trust$2,959$2,9590%
ALT Fruit Farm, LLC$137,050$2,936-97.9%
Bill Hirsch III$11,846$2,881-75.7%
Charles Ash$8,519$2,854-66.5%
Steven Peterman$5,027$2,802-44.3%
Robert R Lindhout Family Trust$6,175$2,795-54.7%
Green Lake Hills Farm$7,139$2,739-61.6%
Thomas W. Nowak$2,661$2,6610%
Bowman Farms, LLC$35,671$2,660-92.5%
Allen Irrevocable Trust Agreement$2,653$2,6530%
William Bouwkamp$235,676$2,606-98.9%
Toby Jones$0$2,578--
William J Gruscinski$7,332$2,540-65.4%
Joel & Jean Brower Family Living Trust$2,485$2,4850%
Neal Rogness$11,043$2,449-77.8%
Randall S. Sutter$10,669$2,398-77.5%
Joseph F Poulias$6,452$2,355-63.5%
Daniel Avink$9,483$2,354-75.2%
Edward Steffens Orchards, LLC$91,772$2,352-97.4%
Gary Albert Fales$5,601$2,332-58.4%
Kamps Illinois Farm II, LLC$2,299$2,2990%
Ronald Thomet$3,325$2,268-31.8%
Scott Robert Marsman$4,934$2,214-55.1%
Marc F Goorhouse$7,383$2,205-70.1%
Matthew Howell$0$2,096--
Douglas W. Greenwood$2,078$2,0780%
Gordon O. Carpenter$2,502$2,051-18%
Thorne Family Farm, LLC$2,028$2,0280%
Doug Van Houten$3,192$2,007-37.1%
Hop Ridge Farms, LLC$0$1,986--
Mckenna Farms, LLC$1,986$1,9860%
Joel Arends$14,392$1,938-86.5%
Highpoint Cattle Pickford, LLC$1,826$1,8260%
R & D Land and Cattle, LLC$8,148$1,812-77.8%
Stream Farms, LLC$7,128$1,794-74.8%
Mark Adam Vanderpol$1,605$1,78811.4%
River Bend Farms, Inc.$94,023$1,784-98.1%
Daniel D. Sheets$1,770$1,7700%
Karen Beirwagen Baker$2,211$1,768-20%
Douglas Harrison$3,399$1,737-48.9%
Bennett L. Willard$1,527$1,73113.4%
Richard McConnon$4,782$1,702-64.4%
Daniel Christopher Wherry$1,700$1,7000%
Hershey Periard Farms, LLC$7,923$1,681-78.8%
Nancy L. Woltjer$1,657$1,6570%
John Bredeweg$2,967$1,625-45.2%
Geraldine Terry$4,992$1,600-67.9%
Moore Farms, LLC$1,554$1,5540%
Zachary Osborn$2,864$1,507-47.4%
Ronald Mcgee Trust$1,487$1,4870%
Doug Olin$2,983$1,486-50.2%
Alan Nickels$5,661$1,423-74.9%
Ronald L. Nickels$5,661$1,423-74.9%
Lobbezoo Brothers Farms, LLC$1,873$1,356-27.6%
Marilyn Koth Trust$2,742$1,344-51%
Laukhuf Preservation Trustee 10082019$1,198$1,33311.3%
Sharon L Lutz-Krebill$1,306$1,3060%
Robert W. Coalter$1,978$1,294-34.6%
Morse Brothers$42,453$1,259-97%
Craig M. McCane$800$1,25957.4%
Med-O-Bloom Farms, LLC$19,507$1,236-93.7%
Brad ALT Farm, LLC$63,861$1,089-98.3%
Robert C. Klein$2,957$1,077-63.6%
Jani Bear Irrevocable Trust$0$1,048--
Betty J Clouse Living Trust$2,878$1,026-64.4%
Robert J. Hale$2,237$1,012-54.8%
Royal Ridge Dairy, LLC$0$960--
John S. Hudson$113$945736.3%
Larry Lewis$6,102$944-84.5%
Dean Bredeweg$1,713$937-45.3%
Cheryl Wolf$1,998$935-53.2%
Kay L. Verbrugge$895$8950%
Sally A. Hudson$0$890--
Geller Family Trust$0$806--
Carol Ruhf$1,531$775-49.4%
John Stein$765$7650%
Dave Murdock$2,476$762-69.2%
Joseph Dean Ross$2,413$761-68.5%
Joan I. Bower$233$735215.5%
Jamison Miller$1,494$725-51.5%
The Frank W Comer Revocable Living Trust$0$706--
Miriam L Eyerman Living Trust Dated February 18, 2$0$703--
Larry Walton$691$6910%
Derek Michael Roberts$0$667--
Frances V. Fonseca$503$64929%
Joseph P. Wiest$610$6100%
Steven K Nickelson&charlotte E Krick Nickelson Trustee$2,334$600-74.3%
Shane Clum$2,178$587-73%
Norma Pranger Family Trust$570$5730.5%
Lorraine Vis$531$5310%
Ben Byl$16,772$515-96.9%
Neal Mast & Son Greenhouses, Inc.$250,000$500-99.8%
Schuil Coffee Company, LLC$0$500--
Sparty Farms, LLC$2,017$500-75.2%
Nutcase Vegan Meats$0$500--
Pauline M. Gilbert$1,186$489-58.8%
Mary Jo Vanderpoel$776$483-37.8%
Coila N Kennedy$0$475--
Richard Thomas$5,638$459-91.9%
Donald K Garrett Irrevocable Trust$5,374$447-91.7%
John C. Thomas$5,479$437-92%
Douglas Uzelac$10,417$433-95.8%
Lynn Oxendale$2,086$402-80.7%
Kenneth Vanderheide$393$3930%
Steve Kilgore$0$376--
Brian Marsman$826$325-60.7%
Colleen Wineland$675$317-53%
Fay Sterling$327$305-6.7%
Nofsinger Living Trust$68$300341.2%
Kenneth Jay Tucker Trust$342$263-23.1%
Elizabeth Momber Trust$9,028$233-97.4%
Dixie Shutter$400$232-42%
Betty M Wheeler-Dereyes$924$231-75%
New Leaf Orchards, LLC$373,241$220-99.9%
Roy R Wagg and Shirley a Wagg Revocable Trust$0$210--
John Nelson$586$209-64.3%
Kerri Jo Pranger$206$2060%
Nancy Jo Pranger$200$2000%
Neysa Pranger$200$2000%
Max Joseph Dunneback$880$188-78.6%
Howard John Hilton$5,674$180-96.8%
William Bos Greenhouse and Farms$50,568$160-99.7%
Gary Nickels$2,289$157-93.1%
Phillip D. Edwards$431$140-67.5%
Toad Lake Farm, LLC$997$132-86.8%
Bernard J Thome Orchards$161,834$128-99.9%
James G. Balk$0$122--
Linda L Wainwright - Declaration of Trust$0$118--
Douglas Dale Hess$179$98-45.3%
Garry L. Kuipers$83$830%
Timothy Zandbergen$64$40-37.5%
Gary L. McIntyre$0$32--
Sandra K. Johnson$109$29-73.4%
Irene Czerwinski$134$26-80.6%
Steven E. Hulbert$1,580$8-99.5%
C Steenwyk & Sons, LLC$84,606$0-100%
Chase S. Mills$1,308$0-100%
Connie Stegink$1,542$0-100%
Dawn Brink$5,249$0-100%
E Miedema & Sons, Inc.$462,238$0-100%
Egypt Valley Hopyards, LLC$1,985$0-100%
Gijsbert J Vanden Bogerd$8,252$0-100%
Henry Koetje$283$0-100%
Noonday Farms, LLC$62,201$0-100%
Stephen G. Nies$84$0-100%
V & W Farms, Inc.$83,178$0-100%
Cal-E-View Dairy Farm$14,997$0-100%
Daryla Wilt$121$0-100%
Lind Farms, LLC$5,383$0-100%
Pleasant Acres Farms, LLC$70,950$0-100%
Ronald J. Brink$4,518$0-100%
Smith Farmstead, LLC$202$0-100%
Thornapple Valley Dairy Farms, LLC$10,418$0-100%
Fay Benjamin$3,040$0-100%
Great Lakes Landscape Supply$431,266$0-100%
Joe Videtich$8,260$0-100%
42 North Apples, LLC$39,051$0-100%
Charles E Crosser Trust$267$0-100%
First Ridge Fruit Company, LLC$118,250$0-100%
Matt Badgerow Orchards, LLC$74,467$0-100%
Richard Versluis$431,772$0-100%
Thome Orchards, LLC$175,723$0-100%
Ahmad Khodor$221$0-100%
Andy Mast Greenhouses, Inc.$655,224$0-100%
Brian Winkelmann$140$0-100%
Cindy S. Defreese$84$0-100%
Claire D. Clary$869$0-100%
Curtis Patrick Momber$11,525$0-100%
Estate of Raymond Lawrence Donahue$24,208$0-100%
Frank Comer$711$0-100%
G Christians and Son, Inc.$78,665$0-100%
GRS Investments - Blue Water Growers, Inc.$158,901$0-100%
Hill Brothers Orchards, LLC$39,286$0-100%
Huizenga Bros Greenhouses, Inc.$90,345$0-100%
J Engelsma Orchard, Inc.$12,867$0-100%
Janet L. Hanson$237$0-100%
Jani Bear$454$0-100%
John Fryear$13,184$0-100%
Koetsier's, Inc.$60,034$0-100%
Larry Momber$6,476$0-100%
Laukhuf Preservation Trust$414$0-100%
Lindberg Centennial Farms, LLC$7,889$0-100%
Louie J Peterson Irrevocable Trus$979$0-100%
Ludema & Sons Greenhouses, Inc.$113,395$0-100%
Martin R. Braun$80$0-100%
Matthew Salinas$831$0-100%
Moelker Orchards & Farm Market, LLC$31,252$0-100%
Moonrise Farming Company, LLC$153,240$0-100%
Mount Hope Dairy, LLC$1,813$0-100%
New City Neighbors$9,513$0-100%
Pure Mitten Hops, Inc.$8,973$0-100%
Rasch Family Orchards, LLC$737,799$0-100%
Ricky Gerard Huempfner$306$0-100%
Rinzema Greenhouse, Inc.$109,361$0-100%
Robinettes, Inc.$21,458$0-100%
Romence Gardens and Greenhouses, Inc.$148,699$0-100%
Ronald Rasch Farms, LLC$500,000$0-100%
Ruby M. Waldhart$328$0-100%
Russell E Kniff$323$0-100%
Shane Orians$515$0-100%
Speyer's Farm Market$25,837$0-100%
The Chicken Bacon Ranch, LLC$1,978$0-100%
The Laukhuf Preservation Trust$1,332$0-100%
William Bott$25$0-100%
Alliston Resources LP$401$0-100%
Dewinter's, Inc.$319,098$0-100%
James L. Johnson$5,423$0-100%
Marvin Van Maanen$51,445$0-100%
Milo Meyerdirk$7,212$0-100%
Barth Freeland$20,265$0-100%
D & D Freeland's Green Top, LLC$451,524$0-100%
Earthkeeper Farm, LLC$3,868$0-100%
Gordon D. Longcore$2,076$0-100%
K & H Farms, Inc.$284,706$0-100%
Kruithoff Farms, LLC$468,278$0-100%
Lance Robinson$18,520$0-100%
Paul Rogers$636$0-100%
Shirley Ann Afton$14,391$0-100%
Skanee Orchard Company, LLC$46,009$0-100%
Victor J. Hubert$171,786$0-100%
Hart Farm, LLC$152,144$0-100%
Heidi's Farmstand, LLC$25,938$0-100%
Kirk Sterzick$629$0-100%
Michael Salinas$832$0-100%
Railside Orchards, Inc.$123,849$0-100%
Rasch Orchards, LLC$33,659$0-100%
Ted a Dalstra$198$0-100%
The Up North Company$9,231$0-100%
Thuston Farms Excavating, Inc.$1,411$0-100%
Wee Land Farms, LLC$250,000$0-100%
Catherine M. Beattie$1,158$0-100%
Hart Tree Farm$20,532$0-100%
Miriam L Eyerman Living Trust Dat$1,354$0-100%
Phyllis C Elsing - Elsing Family$3,817$0-100%
Thomas Edmund Knight$227$0-100%
David Helewski$3,002$0-100%
Greenleaf Growers, Inc.$179,101$0-100%
Irene Robinson - Leonard F & Irene J Robinson Trust$2,474$0-100%
Total subsidies$24,512,146$6,707,627-72.6%


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